"Coin and Bag Test" Start Room is a room. "You are in a plain old room wearing nothing but coin purse (and your clothes of course!).". The player is wearing a coin purse. the coin purse is a open,openable container. the description is "a coin purse that looks like an oversized Segram's Crown Royal bag, with a picture of a golden coin on it.". the gold coins is a thing inside the purse. the indefinite article of the gold coins is "a quantity". the description is "Very valuable and made of gold! what else?". money is a kind of thing. money has a number called quantity. the gold coins is money with quantity 6000. understand "bunch" as gold coins. counting is an action applying to one thing. understand "count [something]" as counting. instead of counting the gold coins: say "You have [quantity] gold coins left.". the TourGuide is a man in Start Room. the indefinite article of Tourguide is "the". understand "man" or "guide" as TourGuide. the description of the TourGuide is "He wants coins before he'll do anything for you.". paying is an action applying to one thing. understand "pay [something]" as paying. instead of paying the coins: try giving the coins to the Tourguide. instead of paying the Tourguide: try giving the coins to the TourGuide . instead of giving the coins to the TourGuide : remove the TourGuide from play; decrease the quantity of gold coins by 1500; say "You pay the Tourguide. He disappears in a flash of dust. you have [quantity] gold coins left.".